
github 最近禁用了 tls1.0 加密协议,而此时mac系统上,旧版sublime,下载时会出现报错。查看sublime控制台报错信息:

Package info was unavailable last time crawler ran. Error downloading repository. HTTP exception InvalidCertificateException (Host returned an invalid certificate ([SSL: TLSV1_ALERT_PROTOCOL_VERSION] tlsv1 alert protocol version (_ssl.c:548))) downloading

然后查到:github 的问题贴

简单来说就是,mac版 sublime 用的下载模块是 urllib ,而urllib 是python自带的标准库,里面有ssl模块。而旧版python的ssl模块,采用ssl1.0连接服务器,所以导致高版本的ssl服务器拒绝连接。

preferences->Package settings->Package control->Settings – User
添加如下代码:【也就是知道下载模块的第一优先级是使用 crul 模块】



  • 网页请求
  • 响应获取
  • 代理和cookie设置
  • 异常处理
  • URL解析


python 2.7  代码使用如下:

# request:GET
import urllib
response = urllib.urlopen('')


The problem is that the crawler is running on an old OS and Python 3.3, which doesn’t support TLS 1.2. wbond is already on it.


Python 3.3’s _ssl module uses the OpenSSL API in such a way that a connection to a TLS 1.2 server is not possible. It doesn’t use the TLS 1.1 or TLS 1.2 constants, but rather a constant for TLS 1.0. This results in GitHub rejecting the connection since it uses an insecure version of the TLS protocol.

Windows users by default use the WinInetDownloader, which uses the wininet library, and Microsoft’s TLS stack, so as long as they are running a recent build of Windows, they will have TLS 1.2.

Mac and Linux users default to using urllib, which utilizes the Python _ssl module.




Note: You can download various Themes (.terminal files) from this git repo. Simply open the *.terminal file to install it, i.e. right-click on the *.terminal file > “open with" > Terminal

  1. Go to
  2. Scroll down and download the Theme (
  3. Extract the file
  4. Open the folder. This folder contains Theme for the terminal.
  5. Double click “Solarized Dark ansi.terminal” file — This is the specific Theme file for Note: If you get a warning that this is from an unidentified developer, Right-click on the file and select “Open with” > Terminal option.
  6. At this point, you have the Theme installed into your Terminal. We just need to make it a default Theme.
  7. Open Terminal > Preferences > Text and select the “Solarized Dark …” theme and click on “Default”.

二、安装  Powerline



通过python -V在终端中输入确保Python的版本是2.7.x.

  • 如果它不是2.7,请安装Homebrew,允许我们通过运行以下命令从CLI安装各种软件:/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
  • 运行brew install python以通过Homebrew安装最新的Python

2、安装pip – Python的包管理器(类似于npm)

通过运行$ sudo easy_install pip  来安装pip。
根据网站  提示:
curl -o
sudo python

3、安装 command line developer tools

从App Store上下载Xcode后,默认是不会安装Command Line Tools的。Command Line Tools是Xcode中的一款工具,可以在命令行中运行C程序,同时又为其他软件提供操作系统服务的功能。

Command Line Tools【又叫 XCode Developer CLI tools】are used by Powerline and other apps that manipulate core OSX features. So make sure to install the XCode CLI tools by running the following command.

现在也来学习一下如何安装Command Line Tools:

方法一:Terminal 运行 xcode-select --install 然后点击安装
方法二:登录 然后下载 dmg 安装
坑爹提醒: 网上复制粘贴这个 xcode-select —-install 到终端出现报错,仔细一看命令行居然是  – 和— 两个不同的破折号。


cooldeMacBook-Pro:~ cool$ xcode-select --install
xcode-select: error: command line tools are already installed, use "Software Update" to install updates

或者:在xcode 中创建 OSX 的Application 项目时有 command line tool 选项。


$ pip install --user powerline-status

添加powerline 后台进程 到bash,用于监控终端并及时作出响应。
(1)pip show powerline-status知道powerline安装目录。

export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/Library/Python/2.7/bin
powerline-daemon -q
. /Users/rupa/Library/Python/2.7/lib/python/site-packages/powerline/bindings/bash/

source ~/.bash_profile

三、 Powerline 与 本地化问题


 File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/", line 475, in _parse_localename
    raise ValueError, 'unknown locale: %s' % localename
ValueError: unknown locale: UTF-8

查看问题 ‘unknown locale: %s’ % localename
解决办法是:在 .bash_profile 调用powerline之前就先添加上 本地化变量:
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8

我的 .bash_profile 最终配置如下:

### 下面设置的本地化变量  是为了解决powerline 本地化报错问题,变量一定要在powerline运行前调用 
export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
export LANG=en_US.UTF-8

export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/Library/Python/2.7/bin
powerline-daemon -q
. /Users/cool/Library/Python/2.7/lib/python/site-packages/powerline/bindings/bash/


四、 安装 Powerline 字体

To install Powerline fonts, simply go to There you’ll see a whole bunch of folders. Each one is a font, aka “Patched fonts”.

It is called “Patched fonts” because people have taken regular fonts and have added/patched additional Powerline specific icons and fonts to them.

1、下载整个repo 仓库并解压。

(1)Click on the “Clone or download” button and download the whole repo so you try various fonts.
(2)Unzip the

字体安装双击 .ttf 文件就行,然后在终端的属性中进行选择。

Let’s open Meslo dotted fonts folder. It will look like below. You’ll see a whole bunch of .ttf file. Each one of them is a font but some are “bold” version of the font, some are “regular” version and so on.

Simply double-click on the .ttf file and press “Install font” to install the font on your computer.

For our case, let’s install “Meslo LG L DZ Regular for Powerline.ttf” and “Meslo LG L DZ Italic for Powerline.ttf”. This will add a regular and an Italic version of the Meslo font.

五、 安装 powerline的gitstatus插件

1、安装 powerline-gitstatus

pip install --user powerline-gitstatus

Note: “– user” command is required to install it in the user’s profile.

2、配置gitstatus 颜色显示

Add powerline-gitstatus color schemes to Powerline
(1)打开 colorschemes/shell/default.json 文件

//For example:

(2) 添加各gitstatus 状态的颜色配置

  "groups": {
    "gitstatus":                 { "fg": "gray8",           "bg": "gray2", "attrs": [] },
    "gitstatus_branch":          { "fg": "gray8",           "bg": "gray2", "attrs": [] },
    "gitstatus_branch_clean":    { "fg": "green",           "bg": "gray2", "attrs": [] },
    "gitstatus_branch_dirty":    { "fg": "gray8",           "bg": "gray2", "attrs": [] },
    "gitstatus_branch_detached": { "fg": "mediumpurple",    "bg": "gray2", "attrs": [] },
    "gitstatus_tag":             { "fg": "darkcyan",        "bg": "gray2", "attrs": [] },
    "gitstatus_behind":          { "fg": "gray10",          "bg": "gray2", "attrs": [] },
    "gitstatus_ahead":           { "fg": "gray10",          "bg": "gray2", "attrs": [] },
    "gitstatus_staged":          { "fg": "green",           "bg": "gray2", "attrs": [] },
    "gitstatus_unmerged":        { "fg": "brightred",       "bg": "gray2", "attrs": [] },
    "gitstatus_changed":         { "fg": "mediumorange",    "bg": "gray2", "attrs": [] },
    "gitstatus_untracked":       { "fg": "brightestorange", "bg": "gray2", "attrs": [] },
    "gitstatus_stashed":         { "fg": "darkblue",        "bg": "gray2", "attrs": [] },
    "gitstatus:divider":         { "fg": "gray8",           "bg": "gray2", "attrs": [] }

Open Theme’s default.json file

//For example:

Add the following to the default.json

    "function": "powerline_gitstatus.gitstatus",
    "priority": 40

Save the file and run the following: powerline-daemon --replace in the Terminal.

Important Note: Every time you make changes to Powerline’s config, in addition to restarting the Terminal, you’ll also need to restart the daemon to see the changes reflected by running: powerline-daemon —-replace.
